Gear is Cool, but Legs Work Too

Over the past few days I was very interested to get my hands on a 24mm and a 200mm lens from an online lens rental service, my idea was to shoot pictures at a concert rehearsal that's coming up, and attempt taking candid portraits that reflect a documentary style; but with the date being so close, paying for rush delivery simply wasn’t an option.

I admit it, I want to start working with better lenses and try all the gear I get to hear about everyday from youtube and various other websites, but as I got to reflect on it, I began to realize that I really don’t want to dwell on it , instead, I plan to focus on working with whatever tools I’ve got available at the time.

On that note, I was very excited when I saw the dense foggy weather early morning the other day as I was driving home. I really love the muted tonal values and simple forms that fog generates on the foreground, so when I arrived to one of my favorite spots that’s about a half hour drive away, once again I began to think how cool would it be to have that 24mm in my bag.

Eitherway, I'm happy to not be put off by the gear I don't have, and instead, focus on making strong compositions though the viewfinder by getting closer or moving away from the subject. What matters to me is to get the job done.