This is the first painting I ever seen from American painter Richard Phillips. Apparently, he’s well known for his portraits of popular people, which quite frankly I have little regard for. However, with this painting of Lindsay Lohan, I was immediately drawn by the interplay between its cool shadows and warm tones; I also enjoy how the fine threads of her hair make makes tension with the soft contours in her chest. Having come across with the work of Richard Phillips has reminded me that when it comes to painting, the subject matter is not as important as actually doing it.
Con esta pintura, que es la primera que encuentro del pintor Americano Richard Phillips, quien aparentemente es reconocido por sus retratos de celebridades que en realidad no son nada del otro mundo, pero sin embargo, en esta pintura que ha hecho de Lindsay Lohan, disfruto de ver sus sombras frías en contraste con sus tonos cálidos y las finas hebras de su cabello haciendo tensión con el contorno de su pecho. Con esta pintura logro recordar que a al momento de pintar, lo que verdaderamente importa es el simple hecho de hacerlo.