Taking Still Life More Seriously

Cold weather and my limited time to get creative are forcing me to look for ways to stay active, so working with still lives let me create challenges and experiment.


I took this selection of photographs as an excuse to use some red seamless background paper I already had, with objects I collected over time. The more I continued exploring with possibilities, the more I realized making still lives was the perfect gateway to prevent any creative rot.


Currently, I do not have any set plans to work with still lives other than staying active and explore within some parameters. I'm not sure which settings are those, but I'm aware that giving myself limitations make dynamic compositions.


Being interested in still life isn't new for me, and it isn't something I wish to limit to digital photography. I hope still-life maintains me engaged long enough so that it transcends to other mediums, like film photography or even painting; and if I learn to create a narrative along the way, even better.