Who says the element of surprise must be loud and sudden?
Watching these videos directed by NY based filmmaker Matthu Placek reminds that the best palette for an artist is his, or her intelligence, and if that artist has a collaborative attitude, even better. Nothing more.
I was really struck by the cinematography in these videos, the minimalistic, subtle photography is done with great artistry. I just love how it engaged my attention from beginning to end, and how at the end of each video, the element of surprise brought me to a meditative state of mind.
me recuerda que para un artista, el componente mas importante de su paleta es su inteligencia, y si este artista tiene sentido colaborador, aun mucho mejor. De resto, lo demás poco importa.
La estética básica y sencilla de estos videos son dignos de admirar, me han impactado enormemente. Simplemente me ha encantado como cada uno de estos videos me han enganchado la imaginación de principio a fin.